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Ms McParland Mr Jafry | Mr Bienkowski

Following on from the Science courses in the Broad General Education, pupils have the opportunity to choose discrete subjects within the Science Faculty from S3 onwards. Physics is one of these discrete Science subjects.


The senior phase physics curriculum provides pupils with a wide knowledge and understanding of physics and its many applications, providing them an opportunity to start unravelling the mysterious workings of the universe, while striving to find answers to some of life’s most perplexing questions. From the smallest sub atomic particles to the vastness of the universe, pupils will be encouraged to use their own developing skills to investigate our environment and our role within it.

S3 Physics

  • Waves and radiation

S4 Physics

  • Electricity and Energy
  • Dynamics and Space

Higher Curriculum

  • Our Dynamic Universe
  • Particles and Waves
  • Electricity

Advanced Higher Curriculum

  • Rotational Motion and Astrophysics
  • Quanta and Waves
  • Electromagnetism

Revision resources for all Physics students can be found at BBC Bitesize (Nat 5 Physics), BBC Bitesize (Higher Physics), as well as a host of resources which can be accessed through Glow including Scholar and Twig.

Support class information

The Support class for Physics takes place on a Tuesday

Star Groups for S4 run for National 5 candidates to support students in achieving success.